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Quick Tips for Stopping A Beeping Security System

Posted on November 26, 2020

Your commercial security system is built to keep you informed. However, sometimes security systems begin to beep and don’t want to stop, even after a problem has been resolved. 

Not only is this an annoyance for you and your customers, but it also defeats the purpose of your system reliably alerting you of any issues.

In order to keep your alarm system armed and ready, you’ll have to stop the beeping first. Here are some quick tips that will help you find audible peace and let you comfortably start figuring out what your security system needs.

Never Take an Alarm for Granted

This is the most important tip we can offer. If your alarm goes off, even if it was faulty in the past, never write off the alert.

A legitimate issue is always something to be aware of. We recommend checking your surveillance cameras for intruders or inspecting your other security systems like your carbon monoxide detector for anything that could physically be wrong in your building.

If you do find something suspicious, alert your security system’s monitoring team and call the authorities, should a threat check out.

However, if you don’t find an immediate problem, feel free to move on to the next tips!

Check the Batteries

Sometimes a dying battery sets off your alarm. This is a built-in security measure that informs you that it’s time for some DIY maintenance. 

Check your batteries in your system, if you know that it’s been a while since they were last replaced, try a new set for your system. If this is the problem the beeping should stop. If not, you may have a faulty wiring issue or other underlying complication. 

Attempt an Override

During your security system installation, your technician should have instructed you on how to manually override the system should this issue arise. Every security brand is unique, so your silencing methods may differ from system to system. From manual overrides to turning the alarm off and on, you should always have a way to silence your system to give you the peace you need to schedule a maintenance check with your security provider.

Reach Out to Your Security Technician

The end of the silencing process should always end with a visit from your trusted security technician. We have the expertise and tools to perform any required security system maintenance and repairs that get your system up and running again.

Remember, when your alarm goes off, it’s always a sign that something needs to be taken care of, and sometimes, that care, is inside of your system. 

Maintain Your Security Systems With The Security Center, Inc.

If your security system is constantly beeping and creating false alarms, it’s time to either get a maintenance check performed or seek out a security upgrade. The Security Center, Inc. can help your commercial location with both needs.

Our technicians are trained to perform effective maintenance on all of the systems we serve. We are also well-informed on the latest and greatest upgrades in our industry. 

Don’t leave your security up to chance this holiday season. Contact The Security Center, Inc. today to schedule an inspection!

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