Top Ways Surveillance Cameras Provide Internal Protection for Your Business
Did you know employee theft across the U.S. equates to around 50 billion dollars a year? While this may not specifically apply to your employees, this number should still encourage you to think about commercial security and how you could be at risk for fraud or theft.
Many companies have already made the move to improve their security systems for their building’s exterior. However, with such high internal theft statistics, it’s clear the interior of a business also requires some extra attention.
Although measures like access control systems help keep track of who comes in and out of the building, their security benefits can vastly improve with an updated high-quality surveillance system. Here are some of the reasons why you should invest in a new surveillance system to protect your business from behind-the-scenes.
The Presence of Surveillance Cameras Makes a Difference
If you feel concerned about an employee or items have gradually gone missing, simply installing security cameras can help solve your problem. Once you’ve installed some noticeably present cameras, even the thought of internal criminal activity will be curbed.
So, not only could this security implementation reduce the risk of theft, but it could also create improved productivity and loyalty.
Increased Safety For Your Employees
Not only do security cameras help protect your bottom line, but they also protect something even more precious to your business; your employees. This rings especially true if you work in a high-risk environment like a bank, government building, or even an educational institution.
Our recommendation is to install HD cameras in areas like point of sale locations or frequently inhabited hallways. While they may not always deter negative happenings, security cameras can help you observe and report actions that take place in these sensitive areas of your building.
Surveillance Cameras Cut Down On Liability Claims
Even if you run a low-risk business, there is always the threat of an unruly customer. Protect your bottom line with the addition of high-quality surveillance. Save yourself from the risk of losing to a false claim by having everything around your location on record. Most claims will dissolve rather quickly once you are able to produce evidence of what actually did or did not happen.
Prevent Payroll Fraud with Beefed Up Security
Finally, as much as we hate to admit it, payroll fraud is one of the most common areas of internal theft. Corrections with regard to employees “forgetting” to clock-in and out can end up being quite costly for a small business.
However, the placement of surveillance around the check-in area can help you quickly catch an employee that is trying to game the system. Also, as we mentioned before, strategic security placement in your building will help mitigate the risk of employees being dishonest in their actions.
Step Up Your Commercial Security With The Security Center, Inc.
Don’t let your company become another statistic of employee theft and fraud. Enlist the help of an experienced security team to install and maintain systems that keep your business safe and secure.
The Security Center, Inc. specializes in working with commercial security for entities of all sizes. Get in touch with us to find out more about the product lines we represent and how to schedule the installation of a new security system on your property.
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